Types of Articles

Help customers find what they're looking for by organizing your content into 3 different types of articles: 
  • Informative Article: This is the most common type, which you will probably find yourself using most often. Create Informative articles to introduce features, provide step-by-step instructions, answer FAQs and more. Learn More
  • Feature Request: This allows you to collect feedback and votes from customers about products or features that aren't available yet. You can notify followers that voted for Feature Requests when you update the article's status. Learn More
  • Known Issue: This type lets you inform customers about bugs or other issues that you're aware of. You can notify followers that reported experiencing the issue when you update the article's status. Learn More
You can change the type of article using the Article Type drop-down at the top of the Content Editor. Keep mind that changing the article type in your default language automatically changes it in all languages.