About the Wix Answers Help Center

Your Help Center is where customers, support teams, and your entire company go to find answers. It's the central content hub and the one source of truth for your company. Filling your Help Center with useful content also boosts your SEO and can drive considerable traffic to your site.

Wix Answers allows you to easily create, manage, and learn from Knowledge Base articles. Publish 3 types of articles - Informative, Feature Requests, and Known Issues, each serving different needs. Display as many articles as you want, wherever you want them - in your Help Center, widgets, product, website, and search engines. 

Personalize your Help Center to fit your brand perfectly with extensive, code-free settings, or with your own custom code. Organize articles in categories and subcategories and give them extra layers of categorization and functionality with labels. 

Let customers tell you when articles are not helpful and allow them to contact you from your Help Center's contact page. Your support agents can efficiently link articles when replying to tickets, creating faster response times, and happier customers. Use Knowledge Base Insights to analyze your articles and make data-driven business decisions.