Adding Images to Articles

Add images to articles to illustrate instructions, showcase products, show icons, and more. Add them as separate content blocks for easy rearranging or as inline images within the text. 
Supported file types:
Wix Answers supports the following image file types: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, ico, bmp, and tiff.

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Adding Images as Separate Content Blocks

We recommend adding images as separate content blocks whenever possible. This makes it easy to rearrange within the article, or copy and paste into another article. The image always appears centered on the screen and viewers can click to expand it. For example:

To add an image as a content block:

  1. Go to the Content Editor of the relevant article.
  2. Hover over the left side of a content block and click the Add a block icon .
  1. Click the Image icon  .
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Select a file from your computer and click Open.
  4. (Optional) Add image alt text:
    1. Hover over the image and click Add Image Alt Text.
    2. Enter the image's alt text and click Save.
Uploaded images display at a maximum width of 700 px on your live articles. When clicked, they expand in your browser window.

Adding Inline Images

Add an inline image whenever you need to add an image within a text, informative, or collapsible block. This method is great for adding icons within the same line as the text itself. For example, this Text icon  is an inline image. 
When adding icons, we recommend uploading images that are no larger than 16 pixels high to keep the spacing between text lines consistent. 

To add an inline image:

  1. Go to the Content Editor of the relevant article.
  2. Place your cursor where you want to add the image.
  3. Press the space bar on your keyboard then highlight the space you added.
  4. Click the Image icon .
  5. Choose an option: 
    • Upload New Image: Click Upload New Image, select a file from your computer and click Open.
    • Image URL: Paste the URL of an image in the Image URL field.
  6. (Optional) Paste a URL in the Link to (optional) field to link the image to a webpage.
  7. (Optional) Enter alt text in the Image alt text field.
  8. Click Update.
  • To add an inline image below a step of instructions, press Shift + Enter on your keyboard, then double-click to open the text options menu.
  • Copying and pasting images from other sources is not supported. To add images to your articles, use the supported methods above.