Differences in Ticket Metric Calculations

There are subtle differences in how Wix Answers calculates ticket metrics across its platform. For example, deleted tickets are included in your Insights dashboards, but excluded from your Advanced Insights reports. 

In this article, learn what's included and excluded in each area's ticket metrics. 

View the factors that affect ticket metrics in the following places:

  • Insights > Ticket Insights: Includes all ticket types (deleted, merged, snoozed, spam) and tickets created/updated by agents, Automatic Actions, or Spotter. Learn more
  • Insights > Team Performance Insights: Includes all ticket types (deleted, merged, snoozed, spam) and tickets created/updated by agents, Automatic Actions, or Spotter. Learn more
    • Agents Statistics: Stats are attributed to the agent who performed the relevant action. Tickets created/updated by Automatic Actions and Spotter are excluded. 
    • Groups Statistics: Stats attribute to all the groups of the agent who performed the relevant action. Tickets created/updated by Automatic Actions and Spotter are excluded. 
  • Control Room > Team Members: Includes all ticket types (deleted, merged, snoozed, spam). Tickets created/updated by Automatic Actions and Spotter are excluded. Learn more
  • Control Room > Chat Dashboard: Includes all ticket types (deleted, merged, snoozed, spam) and tickets created/updated by agents, Automatic Actions, or Spotter. Learn more
  • Team Member Overview: Includes all ticket types (deleted, merged, snoozed, spam). Stats are attributed to the agent who performed the relevant action. Tickets created/updated by Automatic Actions and Spotter are excluded. Learn more
  • One Inbox > All tickets (default View): Includes all merged tickets (both primary and closed by merge). Deleted, snoozed, and spam tickets are excluded from the View. Learn more
    Note: You can add the Snoozed Tickets filter to include snoozed tickets. Edit the Spam filter to include spam tickets. 
  • Insights > Advanced Reports: Includes merged, snoozed, and spam tickets. Deleted tickets are excluded from the reports. Learn more