Embedding Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides in an Article

Display your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files directly within articles. After publishing your Google file, simply paste its Embed URL into an iFrame in the Content Editor. 
You can add custom CSS to your Help Center to modify the appearance of live articles. Please note that custom CSS can affect article responsiveness and cause other issues. 

Step 1 | Publish the Google File

To embed your Google file, you'll need to first publish it to the web. Then, copy its Embed URL so you can paste it into an iFrame in your article (in the next step). Learn more about publishing Google files

Step 2 | Embed the File in an IFrame

In your article's Content Editor, add an iFrame and paste the Google file Embed URL. You can adjust the width of the iFrame and decide if you want it to have scrollbars.  
Having issues?
Make sure you're embedding the Embed URL you get when you publish your Google file. Embedding the Edit version of your Google file (with edit in the URL) may cause issues.