Article Editing Keyboard Shortcuts

Speed up the process of creating and editing articles with keyboard shortcuts. Wix Answers supports a variety of popular keyboard shortcuts when working with text in the Content Editor. 

View the keyboard shortcuts available for:

Keyboard Shortcuts for PC

Ctrl + X
Cut the highlighted text
Ctrl + C 
Copy the highlighted text
Ctrl + V 
Paste the highlighted text
Ctrl + Shift+ V 
Paste the highlighted text without formatting
Ctrl + Z 
Undo the last text action
Start a new paragraph
Shift + Enter
Start a new line
Ctrl + B
Bold the highlighted text
Ctrl + I 
Italicize the highlighted text
Ctrl + A
Select all content in the content block
Delete the character to the right of the cursor
Delete the character to the left of the cursor
Ctrl + Delete
Delete the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the word to the left of the cursor

Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

Command + X
Cut the highlighted text
Command + C 
Copy the highlighted text
Command + V 
Paste the highlighted text
Command + Shift + V 
Paste the highlighted text without formatting
Command + Z 
Undo the last text action
Start a new paragraph
Shift + Return
Start a new line
Command + B
Bold the highlighted text
Command + I 
Italicize the highlighted text
Command + A
Select all content in the content block
Delete the character to the left of the cursor
Option + Delete
Delete the word to the left of the cursor