Sending Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Your Supported Channels

Use customer satisfaction surveys to gain valuable feedback about your customers' experiences. You can send customized surveys from all your support channels, in all your supported languages. 

Step 1 | Set the timing and frequency of your surveys

Choose how long to wait before sending surveys once an agent replies and solves a ticket. Set the delay for sending additional surveys from the same ticket when a customer replies, and an agent responds and solves it again. 
According to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram guidelines, you can send customers follow-up messages only within 24 hours of the last received message. If you choose a survey delay of more than 24 hours, the survey will only be delayed by 24 hours on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

Step 2 | (Optional) Exclude specific tickets, customers, or companies from surveys

You can create exceptions to prevent surveys from being sent when tickets match the conditions you define. 

Step 3 | Customize survey content in each language

Choose which support channels send surveys and customize the survey content for each language. 

To customize survey content in each language:

  1. In the Wix Answers app, go to Settings > Tickets > Customer Satisfaction
  2. Click Edit next to the relevant language.
  3. Click the toggle  next to each channel you want to enable sending surveys from:
4.  Edit the survey content customers view after clicking the survey invitation link.
5.  Click Update at the top-right. 
6.  Repeat these steps for each language you support. 
  • The satisfaction rating applies to the agent who sent the last reply before the survey was sent. 
  • If your customer hasn't submitted a survey and the ticket is reopened, the customer can no longer submit the survey. When an agent resolves the ticket again, a new survey will be sent.