Setting a Company's Custom Company Fields

Set a company's custom Company Fields to keep track of its important details. You can set field values from both the Company page and the Info panel on the right side of tickets. 
Before you begin:
To set a company's custom Company Fields, you must create the fields first. Learn More

Learn how to set Company Fields from:

Setting Company Fields from the Company Page

The Company Page is a great place to set Company Fields while reviewing details about an organization. 

To set Company Fields from the Company Page:

  1. Hover over Contacts in the side panel and click Companies.
  2. Select the relevant company from the list.
  3. Click Custom Company Fields on the left to expand it. 
  1. Place your cursor to the right of the Company Field you want to set and click Set value.
    Note: Click an existing value to edit it.
  1. Enter the value and press Enter on your keyboard. 

Setting Company Fields from a Ticket

Your customer's ticket is an efficient place set Company Fields while solving issues. You must associate a company with your customer before you can view and set their Company Fields. 

To set Company Fields from a ticket:

  1. Go to your customer's ticket. 
  2. Click Company Fields in the Info panel on the right. 
If you don't see Company Fields in the Info panel, you need to associate a company with your customer.
3.  Place your cursor to the right of the Company Field you want to set and click Set value.
Click an existing value to edit it. 
4.  Enter the value and press Enter on your keyboard.