Adding a Video to an Article

Enhance your articles by adding videos as content blocks. Videos are a great way to use visuals with audio to showcase your products.

You can add videos in the following ways:

If you have a video on your Wix site that you'd like to add to an article, click here to learn how. 

Using a Video URL

If your video is uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, you can copy its URL and paste it into a video content block in your article. 
Currently, it is only possible to add URLs for videos uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. 

To add a video by pasting its URL:

  1. Go to an article's Content Editor
  2. Hover over the left side of a content block and click the Add a block icon
  1. Click the Video icon .
  2. Paste the URL of the video.
  3. Click Get Video.

Using an Embed Code or Source Code

If your video has an embed code or source code, you can add it to an HTML block in your article. 

To add a video by pasting its embed code or source code:

  1. Go to an article's Content Editor
  2. Hover over the left side of a content block and click the Add a block icon
  3. Click MORE and select HTML.
  4. Double-click HTML Code and remove the existing code.
  5. Add your code:
    • For embed code: Paste your video's embed code.
    • For source code: Paste the following code, replacing YOUR_SOURCE_HERE with the video's source code:
<video width="560" height="315" controls="controls">
  <source src="YOUR_SOURCE_HERE" type="video/mp4">
  1. Click Save.

Upload a Video as a File