About Wix Answers Insights

Use Wix Answers Insights to analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and make data-driven decisions regarding your customers' issues, your support team's efficiency, and your Knowledge Base's effectiveness.

Choose between the following dashboards to discover charts and tables filled with powerful data created by your Wix Answers account.

To access Insights, you must be an administrator or have a custom role with Insights & Analytics permissions enabled. 

Top Issues

Discover your business' top support issues by analyzing the articles linked most by your team members. Filter the table to drill down into specific time ranges, languages, article types, and help center categories.

Learn more about Top Issues Insights.

Ticket Insights

Use customizable line graphs and tables to analyze a wide variety of ticket metrics in Ticket Insights. 

Learn more about Ticket Insights.

Knowledge Base Insights

Discover the strengths and weaknesses of your Help Center within Knowledge Base Insights. Analyze your articles based on numerous criteria including most viewed, most helpful/unhelpful, most popular feature requests, most popular/unanswered search terms, most common known issues and more. 

Learn more about Knowledge Base Insights

Call Center Insights

Fine-tune your Call Center to be more efficient and effective based on your Call Center Insights dashboard. Make sure you're hitting your Service Level Agreements (SLAs) per queue by checking important metrics like average wait times, average call duration, call volume and more. 

Learn more about Call Center Insights

Team Performance Insights

Measure your teams' success from your Team Performance Insights dashboard. Compare call center, ticketing, and knowledge base team members to discover your top-performing agents, groups, and locations. 

Learn more about Team Performance Insights
To access Team Performance Insights, you must be an administrator or have a custom role with Access Team Performance enabled in the Insights & Analytics permissions. 

SLA Ticket Insights

Check how well you're meeting SLA goals with SLA Ticket Insights. Analyze SLA ticket response and resolve target timeframes using various charts and filters. 

Learn more about SLA Ticket Insights

Chat Insights

Analyze chat metrics to uncover areas in which you can improve your Live Chat support. Measure the number of chats you receive and reply to, the time it takes to end them, and your first response speed. 

Learn more about Chat Insights